As much as parenting can be a rewarding experience, it is also one of the toughest jobs in the world. As a parent, you are responsible for nurturing and raising your child into a well-rounded adult. While this may sound like a straightforward task, it can be challenging and overwhelming at times. However, there are some universal insights that we’ve learned from our experience that can help make the journey easier. To start off, here are some reasons why everyone says parenting is hard:
Reasons Parenting Can Be Tough
1. The Expectations of Society
As parents, we are constantly bombarded with societal expectations about what it means to be a “good parent.” From the moment your child is born, you are expected to provide them with the best possible life. This includes everything from providing them with a safe and secure home to ensuring they receive a good education. The pressure to meet these expectations can be daunting and leave you feeling like you are constantly falling short.
2. Lack of Sleep
Another reason why raising kids can be tough is the lack of sleep. Newborns and infants require constant attention and care, which can lead to sleepless nights for parents. Even as your child grows older, sleepless nights can still occur. From nightmares to illnesses, there are numerous factors that can disrupt your child’s sleep and leave you feeling exhausted. A study by The NCBI reveals the constant need for touch and close physical contact in infants.
3. Balancing Work and Family Life
Juggling work and family life is another common challenge that many parents face. With work demands and busy schedules, finding time to spend quality time with your child can be a struggle. Additionally, the guilt of not being able to spend enough time with your child can weigh heavily on parents.
4. Dealing with Behavior Issues
Every child goes through phases of challenging behavior. From temper tantrums to talking back, dealing with behavior issues can be tough. It can leave parents feeling frustrated, helpless, and unsure of how to handle the situation. This is especially true when the behavior issues seem to persist despite your best efforts.
5. Financial Pressures
Raising a child can also be expensive. From diapers to education, the costs can add up quickly. For parents who are struggling to make ends meet, the financial pressures of raising a child can be overwhelming.
6. Lack of Support
Parenting can be a lonely journey, especially for new parents. It can be difficult to find support and guidance when you are faced with challenging situations. This can leave you feeling isolated and unsure of how to handle certain situations.
7. Managing Your Own Emotions
As a parent, it can be challenging to manage your own emotions while also taking care of your child’s emotional needs. It can be tough to remain patient and calm in the face of challenging behavior or difficult situations. Learning to manage your emotions and respond to your child’s needs in a healthy way takes time and practice.
8. Balancing Discipline and Love
Finding the right balance between discipline and love can be tough. It can be tempting to lean too heavily on discipline in an effort to shape your child’s behavior. However, this can leave your child feeling unloved or uncared for. On the other hand, focusing too much on love and neglecting discipline can lead to behavior issues down the line.
9. Learning to Let Go
As your child grows older, it can be tough to learn to let go. From letting them take risks to allowing them to make their own mistakes, it can be difficult to strike the right balance between protecting your child and allowing them to grow and develop.
Tips for Managing the Intricacies of Parenting
To help you manage the hardships of parenting, consider the following:
1. Creating a Routine
One of the most important things you can do for your child is to create a routine. Children thrive on structure and consistency, and having a routine can help them feel safe and secure. Setting up a consistent sleep schedule, meal times, and playtimes can make a significant difference in their behavior and development.
2. Communication is Key
As parents, it’s important to communicate with your child, even at a young age. When your child feels heard and understood, they’re more likely to express themselves effectively. Listening to your child’s thoughts and feelings and responding with empathy can build a strong foundation for your relationship and can help them grow emotionally.
3. Learning Patience
Patience is essential when raising children. It’s important to understand that children are still learning and growing, and it’s our job to guide them. Sometimes, it can be frustrating when they don’t listen or follow instructions, but it’s important to remain calm and patient. Showing your child patience and understanding can help them feel valued and respected.
4. Emphasizing Positive Reinforcement
It’s easy to focus on the negative behavior of your child, but it’s important to remember to reinforce positive behavior as well. Praising your child when they do something good can help build their confidence and self-esteem. Positive reinforcement can encourage your child to continue their positive behavior, and it can also improve your relationship with them.
5. Taking Care of Yourself
As parents, it’s easy to put your child’s needs before your own, but it’s important to remember to take care of yourself as well. When you care for your physical and mental health, you can be a better parent to your child. Taking time for yourself, such as exercising, reading a book, or taking a hot bath, can help you recharge and reduce stress.
We asked experienced parents for their insights on why raising kids can be tough, and here are some of their responses:
Why is parenting so difficult?
Parenting is difficult because it involves the responsibility of raising and nurturing another human being. The emotional, physical, and financial demands of parenting can be overwhelming at times.
What is the hardest thing about parenting?
The hardest thing about parenting may be dealing with challenging behavior, while for others, it may be finding a balance between work and family life. However, one thing is certain: parenting requires constant adaptation and problem-solving.
Why do people say motherhood is hard?
People say motherhood is hard because it often involves a significant shift in priorities and lifestyle. Mothers may experience physical and emotional challenges during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery, and they may also face societal pressure to balance their role as a parent with other responsibilities.
At what age is parenting the hardest?
Parenting can be difficult at any age, but many parents agree that the teenage years can be particularly challenging. Adolescents are going through a period of significant physical and emotional development, and parents may struggle to balance their child’s growing independence with the need for guidance and support. However, every stage of parenting comes with its own unique challenges and rewards.
What can I do if I am feeling overwhelmed as a parent?
When feeling overwhelmed as a parent, prioritize self-care and reach out for support when you need it. Whether it’s talking to a trusted friend or family member, joining a support group, or seeking professional help, there are resources available to help you cope with the challenges of parenting.
How can I balance work and family life?
One strategy in balancing work and family life is to prioritize quality time over quantity of time. This means focusing on making the most of the time you do have with your child by engaging in meaningful activities and being present in the moment.
How can I handle challenging behavior from my child?
It’s important to remain calm and consistent in your approach. Set clear boundaries and consequences for negative behavior, and reinforce positive behavior through praise and rewards.
What can I do if I am struggling with financial pressures?
Look for ways to cut costs and prioritize your spending. Consider seeking financial assistance or advice if needed.
How can I find support as a parent?
Look for local parent groups or online communities where you can connect with other parents who are going through similar experiences. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help and support when you need it.
Bottom Line
While raising kids can be tough, it is important to remember the joys and rewards that come with it. From watching your child take their first steps to seeing them graduate from college, every milestone is a precious moment that makes all the hard work worth it.

I am Christiana Williams, a multitasking sociologist and proud mama of three. With a passion for exploring the complexities of modern parenting, I bring my unique perspective and expertise to the table. As a seasoned parent and seasoned sociologist, I have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. From the ups and downs of raising a family to the latest research on child development, I am on a mission to help other parents navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and entertained as I share my insights and adventures as a parent.